
Where not limited or prohibited by law, Helanbak, LLC is not responsible for any incidental or consequential damages under this limited warranty, whether arising by way of express or implied warranty, negligence, or otherwise. Helanbak’s liability under this limited warranty is strictly limited to its obligation to repair or replace a warranted product, and to reimburse FFL transfer fees associated with any submitted, covered, and accepted warranty claims on firearms.

The foregoing limited warranty does not apply to or cover any of the following:

  • Normal wear and tear
  • Damage caused in whole or part by failure to perform proper care and maintenance
  • Damage caused in whole or part by the use of nonstandard ammunition, including without limitation high velocity or high pressure ammunition, tracer ammunition, or hand-loaded ammunition
  • Damage caused in whole or part by unauthorized modification or alteration, unauthorized repair, misuse, or abuse